SIR ePoster Library

927 - Why are the AMA, ACR and SIR bracing for MACRA in 2020? What the interventional radiologist should know.
SIR ePoster library. Kolarich A. 03/28/20; 290165; 927
Andrew Kolarich
Andrew Kolarich
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Poster Title: Why are the AMA, ACR and SIR bracing for MACRA in 2020? What the interventional radiologist should know.

Poster number: 927

Category: Healthcare Policy

Authors: A Kolarich1, S Golden1, B Holly1, K Hong1, A Menard1

Keywords: 0927, Andrew Kolarich Why are the AMA, ACR and SIR bracing for MACRA in 2020? What the interventional radiologist should know. Why are the AMA, ACR and SIR bracing for MACR
Poster Title: Why are the AMA, ACR and SIR bracing for MACRA in 2020? What the interventional radiologist should know.

Poster number: 927

Category: Healthcare Policy

Authors: A Kolarich1, S Golden1, B Holly1, K Hong1, A Menard1

Keywords: 0927, Andrew Kolarich Why are the AMA, ACR and SIR bracing for MACRA in 2020? What the interventional radiologist should know. Why are the AMA, ACR and SIR bracing for MACR
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